Long distance music by soon-to-be famous classmate and his girl

I’m totally going to late night ramble for a moment before I get to the point. Bear through the exposition, please.

When I was in college there was a kid named Michael Alvarado. One day his manager walked into the school paper’s office, and asked for my editor because he wanted the band featured. She wasn’t there so people directed him to me. I took his card but I was like, “Geez…I hate covering music. Why do I have to cover a band?” I ended up LOVING writing the article  about this great band and despite being late to the interview (which I still feel terrible about), the band’s lead, Michael, wrote a glowing email about me to my editor. I got a promotion. It was fabulous. And the real kicker is I actually loved his music (I’m not much of a music person believe it or not. His stuff is really good though).

Then I was in a video class (while still working for the paper) and Michael agreed to let me do a documentary on the band and I agreed to also put it with the paper. Again, he wrote a glowing recommendation and guess what? I got promoted. Again.

So as you can tell, I have and always will have a soft spot in my heart for him and I know he’ll be famous. But now he has a super cool girlfriend who is just as talented as him. Like mind blowing. How do people like that get together? Hm?

Any who, I don’t know much about their personal stories but seeing as they both released singles about long distance relationships with each other featured in the music videos, I’m assuming they’ve went through the long distance thing too. It really captures it well and I LOVE the songs. Music videos are pretty adorable too.

Thought I’d share. And if you haven’t already, totally go buy Michael Alvarado’s EPs online. I swear the music is amazing.

For the sake of nostalgia

So as many of you know, my cousin got married this past August where Addi and I both caught the garter and bouquet.

I was wasting time on Facebook and came across some of these clips. Made me realize two things 1) how much I miss my cousins and 2) how much I love weddings!!!

Hope you enjoy.




This is what love is

I don’t usually watch American Idol, but I saw this clip posted to Facebook and it completely broke my heart. This man really loves his fiance in every sense of the “In sickness and in health…til death do us part.”

When I first saw it, I swore I wouldn’t want to watch it again because it really tore me up inside. But when you hear his actual audition when he sings, it’s hauntingly beautiful and you can tell that he’s singing about him and his girl.

2010 in review

Wow! What a crazy holiday season. SO much has happened. (but not engaged yet!) But before I post more about life, the ring, Addi, Simon G, or wedding dreams…I thought I’d share something. I got this little interesting email that I thought I’d share with all of you from the lovely people at WordPress.com!

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 5,300 times in 2010. That’s about 13 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 52 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 32 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 9mb. That’s about 3 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was November 23rd with 343 views. The most popular post that day was OMG NATHAN FILLION RETWEETED!.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, fireflyfans.net, connect.taylorswift.com, mountaintimes.com, and 20sb.net.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for simon g ads, lindsay chris simon g jewelry cheat, simon g advertisements, simon g ad, and nikki roberti blog.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.




If we win, we’ll name future baby after Firefly! November 2010


The Long Distance… November 2010



Lover of Simon G. Ads December 2010


Indeed a clean race November 2010

Christmas cookies!

I baked my traditional Christmas cookies last week, and I was really pleased with how they turned out! I was really excited that when I went to the post office yesterday to mail out two packages of them to very important people, they said there was a really good chance they’d still get there by Christmas! Here’s hoping!

While I won’t be able to mail these kinds of cookies to everyone who voted, I’ll try to get something equally as tasty out there to people sometime soon.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

Site resdesign!

A couple of friends and family members have been requesting that I keep blogging, even though we’re done with the competition. I was hoping to turn this into our wedding planning site anyway, so I’m quite okay with that. However, I felt like we needed a change of pace. Hope you don’t mind the redesign! And thanks for reading!

“Baby Firefly” or “The Brown Coat Baby”

That’s what people are calling Addison and my future child because of our promise to name our future child in honor of the show. I made the Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, but nothing much came of it until Nathan Fillion himself retweeted for us. Now look at Twitter! I searched “Couple Firefly” and tons of results showed people campaigning for us. THANK YOU FIREFLY FANS!

So what’s the name? Still not sure. But someone made a great suggestion on the Facebook Group today: Nathan Fillion Roberti Miller.

But of course River and Serenity are both still high up in the running as well as the unisex version of Jayne. But I’m sorry to say, I think Mr. Universe and Badger are trailing behind.

Please continue to vote!

The Mountain Times published an article about us!

Sweet surprise today. I’m no longer in NC at the moment because I’m visiting family for Thanksgiving, and I was bummed to find out I missed the article about Addison and me in The Mountain Times. However, they published it online too!

Addison was a real goober when it came to the interview. We were interviewed separately and when I asked him what he said, he– being the quiet type– really didn’t say anything helpful in letting me know anything at all. Well, that’s Addison.

Reading the article though really made my heart melt. By now, you’d think I wouldn’t be surprised by Addison’s super sweet side. But it’s always refreshing to me. Maybe that’s why I like him.

Thank you Mountain Times! I swear, we live in the best place on earth!

Check it out! Made my day! And please! Continue to vote for us even though the numbers are no longer showing (to be honest, I like it better that way).

Congrats to Stefan and Tiffanie!!!

So Stefan and Tiffanie from Round one just got engaged! Congrats guys! Turns out before they entered the competition, Stefan had already put a down payment on a ring. It’s absolutely gorgeous!

I can’t wait to see the video of him proposing (Yes! The sly guy got it on tape!) He’s a musician so he did it with music. How romantic is that? Props, Stefan!

They’re going to be entering another competition soon based on how good your proposal is. I really think no one has anything on them. I hope you win guys!

Congrats and good luck!

The few sane people

I just wanted to say how I feel like the only sane people in this whole competition are the couples competing. I’ve read some really nasty comments about the third place couple, myself and the main couple right now.

I just wanted to say that I’ve talked to all of them via email, and they are all the nicest people. We even have commonalities. Like Stephen and our faith and Lindsay and I both being journalists.

I know I’ve told my supporters to quit with the slander for other people, because it really is uncalled for. And for the most part, I feel like my guys have been reined in and the negativity has been eliminated. I just wish others would do the same.

So for clarification from my last post, when I said that the haters should get a life…I meant the haters. Not the normal supporters. Not the awesome campaigners. Not the competing couples.

I mean the uncalled for people. Someone told me today that they found some post somewhere saying that Stephen, Katie, Addison and I were selling sex for votes or something like. I didn’t see it myself or no where it’s even posted (I’ve given up on reading such negative things because it really has been hurting my feelings), but why would be say something like that?

At least I can rest assured knowing that it’s not the actual couples competing. You can’t blame someone for having crazies support them. Some of my supporters have told me to post screen shots that they’ve taken of the mean comments to show why the other side should win. But that’s ridiculous, because I know Lindsay and Chris aren’t the ones saying such crazy things. At least I would be surprised. Like in my one post, Lindsay’s email was so nice, so I’d be highly shocked. Actually, I’m 100 percent it’s just people they don’t know rallying for a cause.

So screw the crazies. Bless earnest who are still nice. And above all else, let’s keep it clean people. None of us are bad people. We’re just poor kids in love.

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